In our previous posts, we have talked about growing and caring for Venus Flytraps, Sundews and other carnivorous plants. Today we will give you the full guide on growing and caring for Tropical pitcher plants, or Nepenthes. We will talk about growing and feeding Tropical Pitcher Plants. What is more, we will talk about optimal temperatures, humidity levels and answer many other questions. And then, we will discuss how to grow Nepenthes in a greenhouse, terrariums, indoors and outdoors.
So, what are Tropical Pitcher Plants (Nepenthes) and where do they grow?
Nepenthes are large climbing carnivorous plants with more than 200 known species. They grow large in sizes, and hang as vines with large pitchers. Tropical pitcher plants are ideal for growing in warm or hot states or countries, but you can grow them almost anywhere in a greenhouse or a terrarium.
Tropical pitcher plants are also called ‘Monkey Cups’, because monkeys drink water from them (not true). Nepenthes grow in different places of the world – with the main regions being Southeastern Asia. Countries with Tropical Pitcher Plants include Indonesia, Philippines, Sumatra, New Caledonia, China, Borneo and Australia.
There are also female and male Nepenthes, and most of the plants are males.
What trap do Nepenthes have?
Nepenthes have pitfall traps that are filled with digestive juices. The pitfall traps form from a leaf, and can take months to mature. Even though the trap doesn’t move to capture the prey, it’s large and many various insects, such as ants and wasps, become victims of this plant.
The plant is producing nectar, which lures insects to the plant. After trying some nectar, many insects move up to the pitcher and then fall in the trap.
How long do Tropical Pitcher plants live for?
Tropical Pitcher plants live for many years, often ranging from 10-20 years. The plant can take 5-10 years to flower and it will have new shoots growing each year that turn into rosettes.
After the plant has flowered, it will continue growing stems. This way, plant will always continue growing throughout its life.
What types of Tropical Pitcher Plants are there?
There are ‘highland’ and ‘lowland’ Tropical Pitcher plants, and they grow in different settings. ‘Highland’ Nepenthes grow above 3000 feet (914 meters), in mountains, with usual rains and high humidity.
‘Lowland’ Nepenthes are opposite, and grow below 3000 feet (914 meters), in open areas such as forests and fields. Most Nepenthes species belong to the Highland type. There are also many different hybrids that are produced naturally or artificially through crossing different species of Nepenthes.
Some examples of Highland Tropical Pitcher Plants:

This is Nepenthes Bicalcarata
- Alata
- Khasiana
- Fusca
- Sanguinea
- Ventricosa
- Maxima
- Macfarlanei
- Spathulata
Some examples of Lowland Tropical Pitcher Plants:
- Nepenthes ampullaria
- Gracilis
- Bicalcarata
- Truncata
- Ventricosa
- Rafflesiana
- Northiana
- Albomarginata
- Veitchii
Some examples of Nepenthes that you can buy online are Nepenthes Ventricosa in a pot like this or one in a hanging basket.
Which type of Tropical Pitcher Plant is best for me?
To successfully grow Nepenthes in your region, you should do your best to recreate temperatures, humidity and photoperiod that the plant gets naturally in its habitat. But if you really want to grow a specific type of a Tropical Pitcher Plant, you can recreate the conditions by growing them in the greenhouse, for example. We will discuss the optimal temperatures and humidity.
If you live somewhere with hot days, warm nights and high humidity all year round, lowland species are better for you. Highland Nepenthes species will suit people in places with warm days but cooler nights.
Best Tropical Pitcher plants for beginners
- Nepenthes Maxima
- Gracilis
- Ventricosa
- Sanguinea
- Ventrata
- Veitchii
What soil do Tropical Pitcher Plants need?
Tropical Pitcher plants thrive in a moist to wet, but well drained soil. But the soil for Nepenthes should be acidic, light, airy and not soggy. Some Nepenthes grow in sand and alkaline soil. In the natural habitat, Tropical Pitcher plants’ soil is kept wet by rainfalls and fogs. Their soil should be poor in nutrients, because they feed on insects to compromise for this disadvantage.
You can grow Tropical Pitcher plants in different soil mixes. To make your own soil, mix orchid bark, perlite and chopped Sphagnum moss (or orchid mix). Add 1 part of each (equal parts) and mix.
What temperatures do Tropical Pitcher plants need?
The optimal temperatures will depend if you have Highland or Lowland Nepenthes.
For Highland species, optimal temperatures are between 75-78.8 Fahrenheit (24-26 degrees Celsius) during the day and approximately 53-61 F (12-16 degrees Celsius) at night.
For Lowland species, optimal temperatures during the day are 82-95 degrees Fahrenheit (28-35 Celsius), and 64-75 Fahrenheit (18-24 Celsius) at night.
What is the optimal humidity for Nepenthes?
Make sure that humidity is always high in a container, greenhouse or terrarium – wherever you are growing your Tropical pitcher plants. If growing outdoors, also check humidity levels. Ideal humidity levels are 60% or higher. Use a hygrometer to check humidity levels.
How much light do Tropical Pitcher plants need?
Tropical pitcher plants need part to full sun. If keeping indoors, place on a windowsill, and for terrariums – use artificial lighting. Lowlanders prefer higher temperatures and bright light, while Highlanders are fine with part sun.
How should I water my Tropical Pitcher plants?
Always water Nepenthes from overhead. Never let the soil dry out, because plant needs moist to wet soil to survive. Place the pot with the plant on a dish, but always remove excess water that drips out the pot.
Nepenthes don’t like waterlogged soil and they are not suitable for bog gardens. Too much water in the container will cause rotting of roots.
Which containers should I use for growing Tropical Pitcher plants?
The best types of containers are wooden, plastic or ceramic pots that have drainage holes. Drainage holes are must, because soil needs to be wet, but not soggy. The excess water must drip out.
For outdoor growing, you can use hanging pots and for indoor growing – small plastic or ceramic pots with drainage holes and a saucer for collecting dripping water. Container size should be around 5 inches for small plants and 7-10 inches for mature plants.
Where can I grow my Tropical Pitcher plants?
You can successfully grow Nepenthes outdoors, indoors, in a mini or big greenhouse, terrarium or a windowsill. Each growing spot is posing different challenges. You need to make sure that temperature, humidity and amount of light requirements are all met.
It is the best idea to choose either lowlanders or highlanders, as they need different conditions. But you can also keep them together by creating optimal conditions and matching the temperatures that both types of Nepenthes are comfortable in.
Growing Highlanders and Lowlanders together
If growing Highlanders and Lowlanders together in a greenhouse, make sure that temperatures are more higher, than lower. For example, temperatures during the day should be around 82 degrees, not more or less. If temperatures are lower, Lowland Pitcher plants will not thrive.
At night, ideal temperature should be 64 degrees Fahrenheit. While Highlanders can cope with a slight increase or decrease in temperatures, Lowlanders need high daytime temperatures and low night time temperatures.
Growing Tropical Pitcher plants in a greenhouse
Greenhouses can be one of the best places for growing Tropical Pitcher plants. You can grow both Highlanders and Lowlanders in a greenhouse, but to grow them together, you will have to keep the temperature constant.
Greenhouses, hot houses, or small greenhouses to place on a balcony are very good for growing Pitcher plants. That’s because you can heat and cool it down, as well as create right humidity.
You can also use a mini portable hot house indoors for growing Tropical Pitcher plants. Your greenhouse can be partly shaded (but not fully as plants will need full to part sun, around 50%).
Growing Tropical Pitcher plants in a terrarium
Terrariums are very good for growing Tropical Pitcher plants. To grow your Nepenthes in a terrarium, choose a large sized tank that will be similar to a mini hothouse. For example, this terrarium can be used for both indoors and outdoors.
You will need to have the plants in their pots with drainage holes. Then, you will place these potted Nepenthes inside the terrarium. Don’t plant your Tropical pitcher plant directly in a small terrarium. Choose a larger terrarium and grow few plants inside it.
Don’t choose Nepenthes that get large, because you will have limited space in a terrarium. Growing Tropical Pitcher plants in a terrarium also means that you will need some techniques to cool or heat it.
For heating a terrarium (if growing Lowlanders especially), use a heating pad/mat. Connect a heating pad to a thermostat to make sure that temperatures are correct.
You should also place a thermometer inside a terrarium to confirm the temperatures and humidity. To cool the terrarium, use ice packs (reusable ones that you fill with water and keep in the freezer) and open the terrarium lid.
Regulate humidity levels by misting the plants. Also, don’t forget about ventilation – make sure to open the lid once a day to allow the airflow. For a light source, use plant lights. From time to time, you will also need to prune climbing vines that get too long.
Growing Tropical Pitcher Plants indoors
Note the red ‘lip’ or peristome of this Nepenthes. This lip is slippery, and that’s why the victims fall in the trap
Growing Nepenthes indoors is very possible. You can grow them in a terrarium or a mini hot house that you keep inside the house. Apart from terrariums and greenhouses, you can place the plants on a windowsill.
To grow your Nepenthes on a windowsill, you will need to make sure there is enough bright light. To increase the humidity, you can use a humidifier or simply mist the plant.
Growing Tropical Pitcher Plants outdoors
You can grow your Tropical Pitcher plants outdoors – in a heated greenhouse if the temperatures are not high enough. You can also potentially grow them outdoors in hanging pots – but providing with high humidity levels or optimal temperatures can be very hard in states or countries with frequent weather fluctuations.
If you live in for example, California or Florida, you can keep your Nepenthes outdoors, but take them indoors if temperatures or humidity drop too low. It is the best idea to house them in at least a portable hothouse outdoors, when conditions are not suitable during weather fluctuations.
Why are my Tropical Pitcher plants’ traps turning brown? And why are the leaves losing color?
If the traps are turning brown, this means that you need to increase the air humidity. Mist the plants once or twice a day, keep a water dish in a tank or use a humidifier. Leaves might also shrink or lose color if there is lack of lighting.
Do Tropical Pitcher plants becomes dormant in winter?
No, Nepenthes should not become fully dormant in winter. Lowlanders need high temperatures and bright light all year round. Highlanders can survive drops in temperature, but they will become slower at growing. It is advised to keep Nepenthes in same conditions all year round.
What can you feed your Tropical Pitcher plants?
You can feed various live or freeze dried insects to your Nepenthes. If your plants are indoors or in a greenhouse and can’t catch insects themselves, you will need to provide them with some insects.
Insects that you can choose can be different – but you will mostly find crickets, mealworms and grasshoppers for sale. Some Nepenthes can even capture rats and lizards, but feeding them heavy meals in not recommended. These small animals will not digest fully and will cause rotting smell.
Make sure insects are not too big to go in the trap, or you will overfeed and kill the pitcher. Don’t offer meat or any dairy products. You won’t need to feed the plant frequently – only once in 10-14 days, and only if it hasn’t caught anything itself.
Do I need to fertilize Tropical Pitcher plants?
Generally, you won’t need to fertilize Tropical Pitcher plants if it is feeding normally. But you can fertilize the foliage will diluted orchid (or other acidity loving plant) fertilizer, once a month. Nepenthes will surely love foliage fertilization.
How to propagate Nepenthes?
Growing brand new Nepenthes from seeds is effective, but will take years for a new plant to mature and flower. To produce Nepenthes seeds, you will need to pollinate the female plant with male pollen. Seeds should form after few weeks and you will need to sow them shortly after forming.
The better way to produce new Nepenthes plants is from existing plant cuttings. Watch this video to see how to get cuttings from Nepenthes:
Which water to use for watering Tropical Pitcher plants and how often to water them?
You can water your Tropical Pitcher plants with rainwater, distilled or deionised water, and water produced with reverse-osmosis system. Read more about reverse-osmosis water filtering system here.
From time to time, you can also use tap water. Even though tap water is hard and can cause accumulation of minerals in the soil, occasional watering should not cause issues.
This is because you will need to water the plant quite often, washing off the mineral residues. Watering frequency will depend on environment – make sure that the soil doesn’t get dry. It can require a daily watering in summer and less frequent watering in winter.
How can I prune my Tropical Pitcher plant?
You should remove any brown traps or old leaves. You can also remove old and long stems that got too long, especially if growing Nepenthes in a terrarium. For propagation, you can use cuttings.
Do I need to repot my Nepenthes?
Yes, transplant your Nepenthes every 3-4 years. Use fresh soil, trim the old roots and stems. And move the plant to larger container if it has outgrown it.
Thank you for reading this article! Check out our other guides on growing and caring for carnivorous plants.
Can any pests attack Nepenthes plants and how to get rid of them?
The most common pests that can attack Nepenthes plants are aphids, mealybugs, thrips and scale. Fungus is usually caused by poor ventilation, low light and might also cause spots on the leaves. Treat fungus with fungicides and other pests with insecticides.